By Emma Rose Tait

30-day Anti-burnout program for reclaiming a slower, joy-filled life and reconnecting to yourself.

Join today for $50 off and lifetime access to the program and all live coaching calls:

reclaim the essence of you by rediscovering, recalibrating, and reigniting your relationship with the 4 foundational pillars of an aligned and alive life.

The program is a 4-part series covering: Rest, Creativity, Joy, and Alignment.

Series 1: Reclaiming Presence

Series 2: Restore Confidence

Series 3: Receive Joy

Series 4: Re-align with Purpose

“Working with Emma was the best gift I’ve ever given to myself. She was the catalyst to helping me identify the origins of the narrative’s that were blocking my greatest potential, she helped develop and recognize my inherent worth, gifts and cultivated an awareness of what real alignment with your authentic self looks and feels like and the tools to continually tap into that flow.” - Taylor

Hey you hard-working boss, parent, partner, best friend who LOVES to show up for others and isn’t super great at showing up for yourself: YOU DON’T HAVE TO WAIT BEFORE ATTENDING TO YOUR OWN NEEDS AND DREAMS. IN FACT, ATTENDING TO WHAT YOU’VE PUT IN THE MARGINS IS THE FIRST STEP to refueling the ENERGY you need to keep showing up and going after what you love. Your relationship with yourself is what the rest of your life relies on. It’s time to support and nurture who you are outside of what you do for others. Instead of trying to build willpower to reach your goals and instead of trying to fix yourself - what if you could instead simply practice becoming present with yourself for a few minutes a day and in doing so, access the peace, confidence, clarity, and, joyfulness that will give you the capacity to manage whatever life throws at you AND live your own truth out loud? 

Have you ever felt:

  • That you give all you have to work and your loved ones and keep putting yourself last?

  • That if you slow down you’ll get behind?

  • Stuck and disheartened at all your efforts to keep up AND stay healthy but unsure what to do differently?

Series 1 is a 7-day recalibration of your relationship with Presence. Go from doing to being and expand your capacity for loving yourself when you are not in pursuit of a goal while exploring genuine nourishing connections with the people and the life already around you. Feel resourced enough to handle the challenges life is throwing your way. Feel more comfortable prioritizing yourself + tools for how even in the busiest of times. (It gets easier, I’ll show you how).

  • An exploration of the roots of your relationship with growth and striving and the underlying beliefs that stop you from deeply resting. In this session, you will actively begin a new cycle, one where you prioritize vitality instead of depletion.

  • Access compassion and honesty about the expectations you put on yourself to do everything. Dissolve stories of laziness and pressure to reveal the truth of what you need and finally stop dismissing your efforts as not good enough. Call in your own worthiness and transform the discomfort of saying no as you practice healthier narratives and patterns. 

  • In this session you will tune into and start to work your “muscle of ease”. Learn how to give yourself a daily reset from stress as you take back your power to unsubscribe from the stress that is weighing you down - before it brings you down.

  • A practice in resting and connecting with the wisdom of your body. Explore the edge of your comfort zone and your patterns that dismiss your true needs - which are the same patterns holding you back from the success you seek.

  • Become an urgency culture dropout and use this session to take the true temperature of your environment as it relates to your level of busy-ness and stress. Then, actively work to change your stress tastebuds as you recalibrate to a healthier pace and wean yourself off of the stress that has kept you from living a truly alive and aligned life. 

  • An assessment of everything you are trying to do to stay well and a return to simplicity and intuition as the driving forces of your new self-care routine. 

  • Cultivate a genuine connection with yourself and the qualities of the humans in your life that inspire you, nurture you, and support you. Practice forgiveness of yourself and others. Explore what it would look and feel like to live with an open heart and create a life you truly love.

For the times when:

  • You feel stuck in fear, doubt, or indecision about going after what really lights you up…

  • Your life lacks balance and sparkle…

  • You are burntout and looking for something effective that doesn’t pull open old wounds or give you more work on top of your busy days. 

Series 2 is a 7-day recalibration of your relationship with Confidence. Go from feeling blocked and doubtful to confident and expressed. Build the experience of continuing to say yes to yourself even when faced with challenges. Re-wire negative self-talk into a supportive internal dialogue. 

  • Get off autopilot and take the reins of your life back. Explore your relationship with following the path laid out for you and engage your creativity with a practice for decluttering your mind of unhelpful objections and opening up to a life that your authentic self gets to create. 

  • Let go of blaming yourself for not being further along and get in touch with your patterns of self-sabotage so you can face them head on, dissolve judgment, and move forward more consistently. 

  • Soothe the anxiety beneath your perfectionism and practice detaching from the outcome in this session of guided self-compassion and celebration of the messy middle.

  • It’s safe to be all of you. In this session you will explore what is blocking you from living a fully expressed life and engage with your sense of expression and your unique ideas.

  • Bring creativity into your everyday life and tap into an ideal flow while identifying where your current life is blocking your creativity and how to create more space for flow in each moment.

  • Tap into empowered choices that you have in front of you even when you feel the most stuck. Learn a self-inquiry technique for moving through challenging thoughts and into inspired action as you rewire your relationship with self-trust and what it means to be a safe receiver of your own ideas.

  • Cultivate resiliency + self-trust in this session and practice your ability to bounce back and stay on track when you are re-routed or receive criticism.

If you find yourself feeling:

  • There’s no time to do the things I really love, I’ll do them when……

  • Unsure of how to take the time for yourself within an already packed schedule…

Series 3 is a 7-day recalibration with your relationship with Joy. Go from waiting, feeling guilty, or trapped by perfectionism to experiencing the energy (and productivity) that happens when you tap into the wellspring of what lights you up. Your life becomes truly balanced and REGENERATIVE (i.e. your life will give you MORE energy rather than drain you of it). 

  • Reconnect to your relationship with joy and the role it has played in your life so far. Let go of limiting beliefs and call in how you want to feel.

  • It's okay not to be able to find joy. When grief and overwhelm reach for you, this practice will hold your hand and your heart as you navigate what feels true and what feels possible even in the hardest moments. 

  • Prime your neuropathways for joy. Connect to the joy present in simple day-to-day tasks and in your everyday aliveness and in doing so, open yourself up to more opportunities for flow, joy, and ease on a bigger scale.

  • You are the keeper of your own good. The world will never stop pulling your focus to what’s important “out there” and it is your responsibility to keep nurturing what you already have and infusing your days with things that light you up. This is your permission slip to not make joy wait and to own and create what feels uniquely joyful for you. 

  • Small bursts of happiness ready us for innovation, broaden cognitive capacity, AND are considered a powerful antidote to stress and anxiety. In this session you will work with the limiting belief that pursuit must always have an end goal to be worthy of beginning. Reconnect to what brings you joy for no other purpose in doing so rewrite the stories that have been holding you back from tapping into the wellspring of aliveness and energy you’ve been working so hard to find.  

  • What shifts when you no longer have to earn love, rest, worth? In this session work with your inner critic and transform unhelpful inner narratives into empowering reminders to build up your ability to let joy in. 

  • What does aliveness feel and look like for you? Activate your aliveness with breathing and intuitive writing focused on what bold expression and taking up space look and feel like to you.

And if you are: 

  • Sitting on a dream for “when the time is right”…

  • Done giving your life force to just a “job” but don’t fully understand WHAT you want…

Series 4 is a 7-day recalibration of your relationship with Alignment. Go from feeling lost to anchored in your truth and guided by your own north star. Step into alignment with a more authentic, alive, purposeful and ease-filled way of life vs the path you’ve been sold is the “right” way to do life. 

  • What we spend our time and thoughts with will either bring us energy or drain us. In this session, evaluate what you spend the most time and energy on in your day and how each activity adds to or withdraws from your tank.

  • Our values are guiding lights that help us identify our path vs that which is not for us. In this session you will gain clarity on what your values are and where you are out of sync. Lovingly call yourself back to truth and integrity with your word. 

  • The more time we spend quieting down the voice of purpose the more energy we lose. This session will reframe your idea of burnout and rekindle your spark for what matters to you most in your work this lifetime

  • Your opportunities are endless but your time is not. This self-inquiry session will walk you through the garden of your ideas and help you prune the excess that is in the way of your most potent and powerful work.

  • Getting into alignment often involves saying goodbye and this can bring up feelings of guilt and shame. If you’ve ever struggled with the idea of being a quitter this session will give you a new way to frame goodbyes and support your transition into what’s next.

  • Finding and living your purpose is a big deal. So much so that if we haven’t arrived there yet we can spiral into worry and self-criticism. In this session you will reconnect to your inherent purpose and learn how to let go of the pressure so that you can be more available to the guidance your life is showing you right now.

  • Confidence is built in action, not before. Tap into the powerful leader you have within and become discerning and action-oriented on the path to your dreams. Release hesitation and walk boldly forwards into all that is waiting for you.


You came here to live - not just work, not just hustle, not keep putting yourself on the back burner until the “time is right”. You are HARDWIRED to thrive WHEN you treat yourself according to the laws of nature. You can’t just OUTPUT all the time, you have unique INPUT needs that, when you learn what they are and how to fit them into your life, give your life regenerative energy and make it EASIER to show up for who and what you love. Everyone needs a reset and a re-commitment to themselves from time to time. This program is that reset and will help you stay on track with creating a life you want to live versus letting the days and years go by without making any sustainable change. Productivity is no longer the goal - Your well-being and happiness is. Your mindset, self-talk, and presence in the process are more important than the outcome. This is a RESET of the societal programming that causes you to abandon yourself to stay on the hamster wheel of life.



  • Connect back to your REAL needs and the core primary foods that most of us neglect.

  • Cleanse stress and recalibrate your relationship with goal-setting and work-life balance.

  • Explore and understand the limiting beliefs that have blocked you from pursuing your own joy and alignment.

  • Take actionable steps that move you into closer alignment with a life that represents all of you.

  • Build resiliency and the capacity to be with the discomfort of change, challenges, and any curveball life throws your way.

I’ve spent 10 years in the personal development and mental health field working with some of the best creators in the industry. I’ve watched too many people chase perfection before giving themselves permission to live their own lives only to find that with each step of progress, there was always another they wanted to reach before they would be ready to finally make time for themselves. The thing about living an aligned life is that it’s less about what we choose to do with our lives than it is about the relationship we build with ourselves along the way. Trusting our ideas creates the trust in ourselves and our lives that so many are seeking externally; and that trust is built in the doing, not in the waiting or stopping and starting. And none of us should go through it alone.

I created this container to help you step out of that cycle and experience how it feels to fully nourish yourself and live in full alignment with what calls you.

Hey there, Emma here

A reminder not to let the speed boat of our modern culture keep you from learning Italian, how to make sourdough, or writing your book. It is easy to forget how much slow beauty matters to you in a world where artificial intelligence can write your ebook and you can make a gazillion bucks on the internet in a week. The pursuits of the soul take discipline.
— Peta Kelly

How it works:

7 guided audio experiences each week for a total of 4 series + an opening and closing class. Over 30 days you will dive into one wellness pillar each week and reignite your relationship with this essential part of your life. This program combines mindfulness, meditation, coaching, journaling, and simple action steps designed to give you daily space and permission slips to put yourself first while supporting your practice of more positive and empowering self-talk so that even on the hardest days you have the reminders you need to keep going. It’s like having your own private coaching sessions every day and will help you build the habit of tuning into your truth and letting that guide you. The best part? All you need to do is tune in to the daily audio, notice what you notice, and let the practice of this presence with what is and gentle self-inquiry ripple into every other area of your life.

Connection to Self + Reignite Rest: A 7-day recalibration from doing to being

  • Putting yourself first.

  • Identify which parts of you are undernourished.

  • Understand the relationship between rest and success.

  • Engage in rest and create a healthier mindset around slowing down (so that it doesn’t feel like it’s going to cost you your dreams).

Unblocking your Flow + Reignite Creativity: A 7-day recalibration from blocked to expressed

  • Identify your blindspots and internalized beliefs about joy and creativity.

  • Engage with creativity and unlock YOUR unique story around self-trust and expression.

  • Specific language to help you work through your limiting beliefs and tap into confidence.

  • Start to experience putting yourself first.

Unleash your Joy + Reignite Aliveness: 7-day recalibration from waiting to revelling

  • Work through setbacks and bust through the sabotaging behaviors that keep your dreams from lifting off.

  • Practices that rewire your relationship with perfectionism and goals

  • How to harness your motivation to get things done - without the risk of burning out.

  • Feel the shifts that come when you believe in yourself again

Aligning to Truth + Reignite Meaning: A 7-day recalibration from lost to anchored

  • How good it feels to FULLY show up to life without any masks or allowing our fears to lead the way.

  • Learn how to make choices that keep moving you into greater alignment.

  • Build a practice of staying true to yourself in all areas of your life.

"Coaching with Emma has literally changed my life from the inside out. I've spent my entire life chasing after the approval of others, searching outside of myself for love and answers and a way to feel secure. Emma held my hand as I faced some of my most shameful relational pain, invited this pain be my teacher, and embarked on a journey to loving myself again. This journey has changed everything, and opened my heart to a new level of love I never imagined was possible. It really is the best investment I've ever made for myself." - Mel

“Working with Emma has been a beautiful journey. I really struggled with limiting thoughts and beliefs that I wanted to release and heal. I loved that Emma held space for me in a way that was nurturing and allowed me to move at my pace. Emma’s ability to reflect that we are our most powerful guide has been instrumental for me. Through our time together I’ve been able to pivot the way through which I hold space for myself as I navigate the ebbs and flows of life. Self-trust and moving at a flow that feels the most aligned for me is something that I’ve learned to cultivate for myself. This has been a beautiful permission slip that Emma has helped me integrate into my life. For that I am hand over heart in gratitude for our work together.”— Jennifer

Before you head towards the next goal. Before you make your next big life decision. Before you loop back to criticizing yourself for not being further along. Get rested, get clear, reconnect to your priorities and reclaim the needs you have put on hold until right now.

Full price: $147 January Sale: $97

This program will launch October 27 2024 with early bird pricing ending September 30. The early bird bonus price also includes ALL future course upgrades and live calls (2024 live call date tbd). All early bird participants will be asked to complete a short onboarding survey as well as weekly reviews (5 minutes or less) once the program is live.