A one-month Reset from putting your work, your kids, your friends, your home, and everyone else first. This is a STRESS CLEANSE and your chance to get back into alignment with the life you want to live (or to figure out what that even is)

this course is currently undergoing a renovation in advance of re-launching as version 2.0 in the summer of 2024. Last chance pricing for version 1.0 with lifetime access to version 2.0 and ALL future course upgrades and live calls.

This is my signature offering and your permission slip to reclaim the balance you’ve been waiting for. The first steps? Reset your energy. Heal your relationship with stress. Reignite everything within you that you have put on hold to be who you were “supposed” to be. Reignite possibility. Reignite what’s meaningful to you. Reignite YOUR life.


“Working with Emma was the best gift I’ve ever given to myself. She was the catalyst to helping me identify the origins of the narrative’s that were blocking my greatest potential, she helped develop and recognize my inherent worth, gifts and cultivated an awareness of what real alignment with your authentic self looks and feels like and the tools to continually tap into that flow.” - Taylor

Hey you hard-working boss, parent, partner, best friend who LOVES to show up for others and isn’t super great at showing up for yourself: YOU DON’T HAVE TO SPEND MORE TIME CATCHING UP AND GETTING AHEAD BEFORE ATTENDING TO YOUR OWN NEEDS AND DREAMS. IN FACT, ATTENDING TO WHAT YOU’VE PUT IN THE MARGINS IS THE FIRST STEP to refueling the ENERGY you need to keep showing up and going after what you love.


We spend so much of our lives giving our time and energy away to the things we are supposed to do in order to be successful. We wait to live how we really want to until the day we feel ready and the time is right. Along the way, we forget how to support and nurture who we are outside of what we do for others - this is your month to reignite that.

By the end of this program, you will:

  • Understand why and how you’ve been disconnected from your needs, stuck in patterns of letting yourself down and WHY it’s so hard to prioritize yourself. (It gets easier, I’ll show you how).

  • Stop following the paths of others and learn what true alignment looks and feels like for you.

  • Fill up on your REAL needs (most of us don’t know what these actually are) so that your life becomes truly balanced and REGENERATIVE (i.e. your life will give you MORE energy rather than drain you of it).

  • Take the time and space to engage in activities that have a purpose all for you (unlike any other goals you’ve worked towards!)

  • Re-ignite the life that represents your true, unique nature and supports how you want to show up in the world.

  • Stay on track and build the experience of continuing to say yes to yourself even when faced with challenges.

  • Overcome self-doubt and build resilience over challenges and setbacks.

  • Re-wire negative self-talk into a supportive internal dialogue.

We forget that joy matters. We forget that what matters to us for no practical purpose - matters. Exploring, respecting, aligning, and committing to meeting our foundational needs is the reset and the spark that you can fan to re-ignite your love affair with yourself and the canvas of your life.

No more living for your next goal. No more waiting to be healed to live.

Have you ever felt:

  • That you give all you have to work and your loved ones and keep putting yourself last?

  • That if you slow down you’ll get behind?

  • “There’s no time to do the things I really love, I’ll do them when……”

  • Stuck and disheartened at all your efforts to keep up AND stay healthy but unsure what to do differently?

  • Unsure of how to take the time for yourself within an already packed schedule?

  • Stuck in fear, and doubt, and indecision about going after what really lights you up?

  • You are sitting on a dream for “when the time is right”?

  • That your life lacks balance and sparkle?

  • You’re done giving your life force to just a “job” and don’t fully understand WHAT you want?

  • Just a little over the self-help world, but also a little burntout and looking for something effective that doesn’t have to be super deep?


You came here to live - not just work, not just hustle, not just rest on the weekends. Since you are a human and a part of the natural world (not a computer that can run for 365 days with 27 tabs open) you are HARDWIRED to thrive in this world WHEN you treat yourself according to the laws of nature. What I’m saying is - you can’t just output all the time, you have unique input needs that, when you learn what they are and how to fit them into your life, give your life regenerative energy and actually make it EASIER to show up for who and what you love. Everyone needs a reset and a re-commitment to themselves from time to time. This program is that reset and can be done annually or seasonally (because you are NOT the same person every year) to help you stay on track with creating a life you really want to live vs letting the days and years go by without making any kind of sustainable change. This is NOT just another self-care course that is going to tell you what to eat and how to sleep for ultimate output. This is a RESET of the societal programming that causes you to abandon yourself in order to stay on the hamster wheel of life.



  • Connect back to your truth and what matters to you most in this life.

  • Explore and understand the negative internal dialogues, self-sabotage, and limiting beliefs that have blocked you from pursuing your own joy and alignment.

  • Serves up instantly actionable steps that move you into closer alignment with a life that represents all of you.

  • Recalibrates your underlying relationship with yourself, your goals, success, where you are in life now, and where you are going.

Hey there, Emma here

I’ve spent 10 years in the personal development and mental health field working with some of the best creators in the industry. I’ve watched too many people chase perfection before giving themselves permission to live their own lives only to find that with each step of progress, there was always another they wanted to reach before they would be ready to finally make time for themselves. The thing about living an aligned life is that it’s less about what we choose to do with our lives than it is about the relationship we build with ourselves along the way. Trusting our ideas creates the trust in ourselves and our lives that so many are seeking externally; and that trust is built in the doing, not in the waiting or stopping and starting. And none of us should go through it alone.

I created this container to help you step out of that cycle and experience how it feels to show up for and as yourself - no matter what it is you are working towards.

I hope you do join me here but more than that, I hope you keep letting out all that is within you.

You have everything you need to experience joy, balance, confidence, peace of mind - all in a life you love that loves you back. You are your greatest resources and guide. I want to show you how true that is.
— Emma Rose

Topics Covered:

Week 1: Connection

  • Connect to what is most meaningful to you in life and what truly brings you joy

  • Explore who you have had to be to get to this point in life and the version of you that you left behind.

  • Understand the underlying stories that are keeping you stuck

  • Engage in a new more supportive inner dialogue

Week 2: Exploration

  • Identify your blindspots and internalized beliefs around self-care and joy.

  • See your limiting beliefs and habits of self-sabotage come out in real time as you practice engaging with an aligned life.

  • The language of your self-doubt and learn the language of your inner supporter.

  • Stop justifying all the ways you put yourself last and start to experience putting yourself first.

Week 3: Momentum

  • Work through setbacks as you unwind your relationship with stress.

  • Practices that rewire your relationship with perfectionism and goals

  • Bring this new alignment into more areas of your life as your confidence grows

  • Feel the shifts that come when you believe in yourself again

Week 4: Navigation

  • How good it feels to FULLY show up to life without any masks or allowing our fears to lead the way.

  • Learn how to make choices that keep moving you into greater alignment.

  • Build a practice of staying true to yourself in all areas of your life.

"Coaching with Emma has literally changed my life from the inside out. I've spent my entire life chasing after the approval of others, searching outside of myself for love and answers and a way to feel secure. Emma held my hand as I faced some of my most shameful relational pain, invited this pain be my teacher, and embarked on a journey to loving myself again. This journey has changed everything, and opened my heart to a new level of love I never imagined was possible. It really is the best investment I've ever made for myself." - Mel

“Working with Emma has been a beautiful journey. I really struggled with limiting thoughts and beliefs that I wanted to release and heal. I loved that Emma held space for me in a way that was nurturing and allowed me to move at my pace. Emma’s ability to reflect that we are our most powerful guide has been instrumental for me. Through our time together I’ve been able to pivot the way through which I hold space for myself as I navigate the ebbs and flows of life. Self-trust and moving at a flow that feels the most aligned for me is something that I’ve learned to cultivate for myself. This has been a beautiful permission slip that Emma has helped me integrate into my life. For that I am hand over heart in gratitude for our work together.”— Jennifer

Finding and living a life of purpose has less to do with choosing one act to dedicate our life to and be known for than it does paying attention to the quiet internal callings that have no other purpose than "just because"
