ready for a breakthrough? stop practicing what isn’t working. go from feeling overwhelmed by your stress to empowered with habits that actually work for your life

free 3-day mini-course


  • Get back your time, energy, and peace.

  • Heal the root cycle that keeps you stuck with stress.

  • Be nourished by your to-do’s instead of drained.

  • Regain confidence, control, motivation, and clarity.

  • Learn and apply bold, life-changing moves so you never lose control again.

Get ready to reclaim a life you’ll actually enjoy.

Coming soon. Sign up here to access as soon as it goes live and grab the free Breakup With Stress PDF.

You know you are supposed to be enjoying your life and you’re trying but you can’t ever seem to get there. This training will get you back on track. here’s what you get:


    This 3-day curriculum with Emma includes powerful tools, guidance, and assessments you can start applying right now to take your control back in the arena’s life’s 3 biggest stressors.


    Each day you will walk away with an easy-to-implement and dare I say, damn empowering practice to help you immediately take control, and more importantly, reclaim your peace and the direction of your life.


    This companion workbook walks you through how to implement what you learn, showing you how to apply the lessons to your life as it is right now to get you closer to the life you want to be living and the joy you deserve.

When your methods of managing stress never seem to make it go away - it’s time to look deeper.

The good news is that your life, as stressed and busy as it is right now, is showing you the exact steps you can take to live at the level of ease and flow that you are always reaching for but never reach. I created this free training to help you step out of the cycle of feeling overwhelmed and waiting for life to slow down and step into the power you have to create that peace, right now. It’s your life. Take your power and your peace back.

The Three Trainings:

  • Lesson #1 - Carrying Capacity

    Learn the carrying capacity trap that is keeping you underwater and how to get your head back up - starting TODAY

  • Lesson #2 - bandaids vs medicine

    Get back on your own side by reclaiming permission to have needs, and get them met. Lesson 2 is a wake-up call to the food of life you’ve been deprived of.

  • lesson #3 - confidence compass

    Overcome uncertainty and discover how to set (and reach) your goals by leaning into what you need and by allowing your biggest truths to lead.

Is the stress in your life helping you move closer to your goals or pulling you miles away? This training will help you turn things around. What is that worth for you?

If you’re out of reasons to keep saying no to yourself and ready to say yes, sign up here↓

If we’re meeting for the first time, hey, I’m Emma

I spent most of my young adult life feeling victim to my busyness and stress, hustling for peace and wondering why I never go there. Until life gave me a wakeup call and I realized that the peace I was waiting for life to roll out for me, was in my own hands. With this empowerment, I stopped falling victim to the onslaught of life in a busy world and created my own fortress of peace amidst some of life’s biggest storms. I realized that nothing matters more to me then being able to go to sleep at night knowing that I had done enough, that I was going to be ok, and that life was a thing I could trust and feel safe in because I trust and feel safe within myself.

For the past decade, I have been coaching CEO’s, international executives, award-winning artists, parents struggling with work-life balance, new entrepreneurs, and young adults just trying to find their path and purpose to look at their approach to work, life, joy, and themselves with an entirely new set of eyes. When they do that they find so much more than time in their schedule and money in their pockets. They find a sense of trust, unshakeable confidence, and access a well of calm inside of themselves that they never knew existed.

My life brought me to my knees and when it did, it brought me to the work that would get me back up and back on a track better than I ever could have dreamt up for myself. And now, my life has brought me here to you. Let’s go!

You deserve to live a life where you feel confident, connected to your power, joyful, and spending time doing the things that really matter to you. And what always seems to get in the way? Stress. it’s time to decode what’s going on - what you are buying into and reinforcing and what do you want to re-write?

This training will show you the way, and trust me, you can do this.